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Jakob Lundberg

Deputy Director, Sweden Hub

Jakob Lundberg holds a Ph.D. in natural resource management with a focus on sustainability science from Stockholm University. He developed several research on urban sustainability and global environmental change at the Dpt of Systems Ecology, Stockholm University and the Stockholm Resilience Center. In the last decades, he gathered a long experience of working in the science-policy interface with a focus on food and agriculture. Jakob led for several years the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) office in the Nordic region. After UN he acted as Head of Policy and Development for We Effect and Vi Agroforestry, two international non-governmental organizations that support food security through strengthening local farmer-based organizations in 25 countries. In 2020, he has also worked as Head of the Secretariat for the newly established The Food Planet Prize. Until recently, Jakob has been acting as a working Chairman of the Board of Albaeco, an independent organisation working with strategic sustainability consultancy. He has also been part of the board of several international and national organizations (E.g., AgriCord, Concord Sweden and Fairtrade Sweden). Jakob is an elected fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Forestry and Agriculture (KSLA) since 2014.

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